



Sung Chang Patent Attorneys & Professional Engineers is a fast-growing law firm based in Seoul, Republic of Korea, which was founded on April 4, 1997. The firm provides a wide range of services in Intellectual Property Law area, including Patent and trademark Law service, Licensing, Registration, Professional Engineering service, Conducting Searches, Copyright Registration service and Litigation arising from any of the foregoing.

In particular, we are specialized in the field of Construction, Industrial Plant, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Material Engineering and Chemical Engineering. In some of these areas, we have in connection with R&D Associates in order to satisfy our client's needs better. Our members with four patent attorneys(member of AIPPI and APAA) and nine technical staffs have a wide range of legal experiences as well as technical experiences at large companies in Korea.

The firm believes in its commitment to excellence and promptness of quality services to all of the clients which distinguish the firm from many other firms, where the quality of the work product may be subject to wide variation.

We feel confident that our clients have been treated with the highest degree of attention and provided with the highest quality services on the same level. More importantly, we believe that the firm's attention to ensure that all our clients' needs are met sets us apart from many other firms with whom, perhaps, you have already been dealing. 

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(전화 02-584-7777  팩스 02-584-7337 전자편지

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